Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cygar 'Ardwire

The story of Cygar is a complicated detailed history. I won’t get into his youth as an ork whelp because it was the same as most young orks. Soon Cygar would grow into a commanding ork Nob. Cygar served as one of his warboss’s personal guard. Warboss Ghrol constantly antagonized Cygar into feats of pure insanity just to see if the young ork would complete the estranged tasks. Once when Ghrol’s war band was assaulting an Imperial stronghold Ghrol’s personal battlewagon was destroyed by an enemy Predator Tank. In his anger Ghrol handed Cygar his big choppa and told him salvage the Imperial tank for his own. Cygar successfully made his way to the tank and even went so far is to remove an escape hatch to gain access to the vital interior of the tank. Inside waited a tech marine equipped with a servo arm. That night two doks and Ghrol’s best mec put Cygar back together.

Cygar was pieced back together with a newly acquired servo arm. The tech marine had pinned Cygar against the immobile tank with his piston driven servo arm and cleaved at the Nob with his power Ax. So much damage was inflicted that the pain boys had to install a new rib structure and skull. How Cygar overpowered the Marine is still a mystery. For years after Cygar ran rampant, Ghrol’s influence and control over the Nob had diminished. Day by day the ork grew crazed; the pain boys said it was the amount of brain matter that had been destroyed in the fight. One day Cygar was bitten while trying to kill the jungles deadliest predator, the grackle snake. The snake’s venom quickly burned holes in the orks nervous system and when Cygar returned to his camp, sick and delusional, Ghrol was the first to mock his failure. Cygar fitted a rage that shook the core of his being and destroyed all that was Warboss Ghrol. Days would pass before he would awaken to find that he had undergone surgeries to repair the damages to his body and mind. Cygar also awoke to the chanting of his name. He would become the new Warboss to lead the Bad Moons. Cygar was moved into motivation by his success and quickly launched an all out assault on the Imperials to the north. The campaign lasted several months but in the end the Imperials were forced to abandon the planet to his Bad Moon Tribe. Up until this point Cygar never thought of leaving the planet but if it meant victory and bloodshed it had to be a good idea? Right? Mecs worked tirelessly to create a vessel that could break the planet and hound the imperials.

The reason that I started this is to be a back history for my Warboss. I, like other ork players out there, loved the new warboss model that came out in the new AoBR box. It was bigger than other ork warboss models which is good because other Warbosses are the size of regular nobs. The problem is that everyone has one and I think the model is over played. Sure there are tons of conversions but it just does not meet the unique factor that I’m looking for in a model. So as a solution I decided to sculpt my own… risky? Yes! Adepticon is right around the corner and I need this model, plus all the others in my army, to be ready in less than one month. Wish me luck! I will be posting picks as soon as I can. Last night I modeled the chest and belly of Cygar and then this morning I started working on his real arm. As I get into the story more you will see the full transformation that took Cygar and made him into ‘Ardwire! Now a days his more machine than ork with the poisoned brains of a squig! Wish me luck.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thoughts and ideas leading up to Adepticon

So we lucked in and all got tickets to the events at Adepticon. Now hopefully we can get our team together and on the right page. Our team wants to use a space marine/wolf combo. But to tell the truth I think we would be stronger using a single codex. Which codex? I really don’t care both have some really nice features. Most of the team is geared towards Ultra marines so that might be the better choice.

In other news: I have been working hard towards completing my ork army (pics soon). Right now I estimate around 80% table top worthy, however I am a stickler and would love to get my orks to that next level. To do so I need to kick it into the next gear! I have started working on my ardboy squad which is a hell ton harder because of the armor and they are all glued together.  I did have to rip of heads and arms but I know that I’m on the right track! Updates to come.

Also I still have 4 vehicles sitting on the painting table waiting for completion. Each one is into its own stage of painting, the battle wagons are both fighting for which one will finish getting painted first. Da Meat Wagon has its under sides done with all the grease and rust and Da Grind-House has all its conversions finished along with all the metal work done. “It’s a race! I hope I win!”

With only a group of ardboys, 3 mega nobs and a hand full of vehicles left to paint I think I can start to start on my painting entries for Adepticon. My first will be my Boltstakka on his Warbike for the single mini category. Also I would like to enter in a Blood Angel/tyranid fight for the open category. And lastly my Ork Mega Deff for the War Machine category… Let’s see how that works out!! I am the very best at procrastinating!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Road to adepticon!

Ok so... Been away! Lots of things have happened over the last few months and I think I need to get back to my gaming! What have I been up to?In October I was promoted which devours a ton of my time. I went from working 4 days 40 hours to working 5 days with 55+ hours. Better pay, bigger bonus but less time for painting and gaming. Then I had to move, I was in a flood zone so the city paid me to move, that was cool. And well to tell the truth I have actually brought 2 new member to the gaming community. One is a close friend who is more about the models then the gaming and the other… well that’s my brother. Sorry everybody! For you out there who have yet to meet him: he will be the extremely loud guy at Adepticon ranting about how he will choke the shit out of you! Don’t piss him off, he’s a simple creature.

So what’s this mean? Since I was on the move, more funding and with some new blood behind me I figured I would start to organize a Club. With the help of another gaming we formed the Puppets of War. Now that only lasted a few months because the cofounder stopped playing weeks later because of work and travel. So our group wanted a different name, the guys did not like that the guy who named the group dropped. So our quest began we went through 8-10 different names when ours hit us! We are Austin gamers that traveled to San Antonio to steal up on their prize support when somebody got cheating my Brother. The Jackal yelled “Cheat me and I’ll choke the shit out of you!” and we had a new name.

Again you ask what does this mean? Come one month from now Team Cheat me and I choke you will be hitting the streets of Chi town to choke some mother fucking cheaters at Adepticon! See you there!